Number 77
October 11, 2010
Heshvan 3, 5771
Opportunities for Jewish Activities
Starting this week, due to the overwhelming response to listings on this email, we will shorten our list to three weeks activities rather than four. Thank you for your support.
Monday, October 11 - JFS Bereavement Group
Monday, October 11- Adult Hebrew Classes at Schomre Israel
Monday, October 11 - Poughkeepsie Pedalers send-off at Beth-El
Tuesday, October 12- Senior Exercise Program at Vassar Temple
Tuesday, October 12- Teaching the Talmud at Vassar Temple
Tuesday, October 12 -"Israel and Its Middle East Neighbors" at Vassar Temple
Wednesday, October 13 - Dr. Klaus Hodel at Bard College
Wednesday, October 13 - JFS "Overcoming Isolation" support group
Wednesday, October 13 - JFS Senior Answer Center
Wednesday, October 13 -JFS/JCCDC Lunch and Learn
Wednesday, October 13 - Northern Dutchess Book Club
Thursday, October 14- Yiddish Group at the JCCDC
Thursday, October 14 - Torah Study at Schomre Israel
Thursday, October 14 -Senior Exercise Program at Vassar Temple
Thursday, October 14 - Vassar Temple Sisterhood Opening dinner
Saturday, October 16 - Passport to the Jewish Arts / Oneg Shemesh in Concert
Monday, October 18 - JFS Bereavement Group
Monday, October 18 - "Gaza Flotilla: Making waves" at Beth-El
Tuesday, October 19- Senior Exercise Program at Vassar Temple
Tuesday, October 19- Teaching the Talmud at Vassar Temple
Tuesday, October 19 -Meditation group at Vassar Temple
Tuesday, October 19 - "God, Earth and You" series at Vassar Temple
Wednesday, October 20 - JFS Senior Answer Center
Wednesday, October 20 -JFS/JCCDC Lunch and Learn
Thursday, October 21- Yiddish Group at the JCCDC
Thursday, October 21 - Torah Study at Schomre Israel
Thursday, October 21 -Senior Exercise Program at Vassar Temple
Thursday, October 21 - Joint Sisterhoods, Hadassah and JWI program
Thursday, October 21 - Jewish Java sponsored by Beth-El
Sunday, October 24 - "Shalom on Grand" Jewish Festival at the JCCDC
Monday, October 25 - JFS Bereavement Group
Tuesday, October 26- Senior Exercise Program at Vassar Temple
Tuesday, October 26- Teaching the Talmud at Vassar Temple
Tuesday, October 26 - "God, Earth and You" series at Vassar Temple
Tuesday, October 26 - Jewish Federation Board Meeting
Wednesday, October 27 - JFS Senior Answer Center
Wednesday, October 27 -JFS/JCCDC Lunch and Learn
Wednesday, October 27 - JFS "Overcoming Isolation" support group
Thursday, October 28- Yiddish Group at the JCCDC
Thursday, October 28 - Torah Study at Schomre Israel
Thursday, October 28 -Senior Exercise Program at Vassar Temple
Thursday, October 28 - Vassar Temple Book Club, "Sarah's key"
Thursday, October 28 - Deborah Lipstadt at Vassar College
Monday, November 1 - JFS Bereavement Group
Monday, November 1 - Schomre Israel Board Meeting
Tuesday, November 2- Senior Exercise Program at Vassar Temple
Tuesday, November 2-Teaching the Talmud at Vassar Temple
Tuesday, November 2 - Vassar Temple Board Meeting
Wednesday, November 3 - JFS Senior Answer Center
Wednesday, November 3 -JFS/JCCDC Lunch and Learn
The Jewish Federation of Dutchess County is your tool to invest Jewishly in our future as a community and as a People. Our goal is to promote and enhance Jewish life in Dutchess County and foster cooperation among all Jewish organizations, as well as providing moral and financial support for the State of Israel and Jewish communities around the world.
Help us disseminate these news by asking your friends to subscribe.
Daniel Chejfec
Executive Director
Jewish Federation of Dutchess County
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