Issue: 2009/02
25th day of the Omer
May 4, 2009
Iyar 10, 5769
"Jewish in Dutchess" is a weekly service of the Jewish Federation of Dutchess County to help promote local Jewish activities, opportunities for local Jews to engage in Jewish life. It includes programs organized by local Jewish organizations and congregations as well as items of special interest about Israel and the Jewish world. Help us disseminate these news by asking your friends to subscribe.
Opportunities for Jewish Activities |
May 12th - LAG B'OMER (Jewish Holiday connected to events of the time of the Bar Kochba rebellion against Rome, 132 CE)
The Jewish Federation of Dutchess County is your tool to invest Jewishly in our future as a community. Our goal is to promote and enhance Jewish life in Dutchess County and foster cooperation among all Jewish organizations, as well as providing moral and financial support for the State of Israel and Jewish communities around the world.
Daniel Chejfec
Executive Director
Jewish Federation of Dutchess County
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