Number 91
January 17, 2011
Shevat 12, 5771
The United Nations decided to hold the "Durban III" on September 21st in New York City. Several countries already announced they will not attend. How do you feel about it?
Give us your opinion
If you have a link on Israel-related news you would like to share with the community, please email to director@jewishdutchess.org
We welcome any link that is respectful of other people's opinions.
Opportunities for Jewish Activities
Monday, January 17 - Martin Luther King Day
Monday, January 17 - JFS Bereavement Group
Tuesday, January 18 -Senior Exercise Program at Vassar Temple
Tuesday, January 18- Teaching the Talmud at Vassar Temple
Wednesday, January 19 - TU B'SHVAT
Wednesday, January 19 -JFS Senior Answer Center
Wednesday, January 19 -JFS/JCCDC Lunch and Learn
Thursday, January 20 - Meditative Prayer and Torah study with Rabbi Romer in Rhinebeck
Thursday, January 20 - Senior Exercise Program at Vassar Temple
Thursday, January 20 - Yiddish at the JCCDC
Thursday, January 20 - Torah Study at Schomre Israel
Thursday, January 20 - Jewish Java: What is Happiness?
Friday, January 21 - "Jewish Mindfulness" series at Shir Chadash
Saturday, January 22 - Temple Emanuel Tu B'Shvat Seder in Rhinebeck
Saturday, January 22 - Vassar After Hours
Sunday, January 23 - Tiny Temple at Vassar Temple
Sunday, January 23 - Shalom Tots at Beth-El
Monday, January 24 - JFS Bereavement Group
Tuesday, January 25 -Senior Exercise Program at Vassar Temple
Tuesday, January 25- Teaching the Talmud at Vassar Temple
Tuesday, January 25 - Meditation Group at Vassar
Tuesday, January 25 - Federation Board Meeting
Wednesday, January 26 -JFS Senior Answer Center
Wednesday, January 26 -JFS/JCCDC Lunch and Learn
Wednesday, January 26 - Harding Club meeting
Wednesday, January 26 - JAND Northern Dutchess Book Club
Thursday, January 27 - Meditative Prayer and Torah study with Rabbi Romer in Rhinebeck
Thursday, January 27 - Senior Exercise Program at Vassar Temple
Thursday, January 27 - Yiddish at the JCCDC
Thursday, January 27 - Torah Study at Schomre Israel
Friday, January 28 - "Jewish Mindfulness" series at Shir Chadash
Saturday, January 29 - Northern Dutchess Havdallah Program
The Jewish Federation of Dutchess County is your tool to invest Jewishly in our future as a community and as a People. Our goal is to promote and enhance Jewish life in Dutchess County and foster cooperation among all Jewish organizations, as well as providing moral and financial support for the State of Israel and Jewish communities around the world.
Help us disseminate these news by asking your friends to subscribe.
Daniel Chejfec
Executive Director
Jewish Federation of Dutchess County
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