April 26, 2010

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Number 53
April 26, 2010
Iyar 12, 5770

Jewish Federation New Website

You can now register online for Mitzvah Day, learn about Federation, pledge for the Campaign or pay your pledge. You can check news from Israel and the Jewish world and learn about our programs. While we are still populating the content and some pages are still empty, we continue to work to complete the website, and we welcome your input. Visit the website at http://www.jewishdutchess.org and send us your feedback

MITZVAH DAY - MAY 16TH - REGISTER ONLINE NOW Please note that due to logistical factors, the Fixer Upper team activity has been cancelled for Mitzvah Day '10 -- look for it again in the future! The Mitzvah Day Commitee is in full swing organizing the event for Sunday, May 16th. If you wish to volunteer in organizing the event, or if you wish to lead one of the crews on that day, contact Linda Tafapolsky by e-mailor by calling 845-471-9817

"E-Ring" (Employment Related Information and Networking Group) provides information, opportunities for networking, and emotional
support to those engaged in the job-seeking process.  It is open to
all, free of charge, and provides speakers from local organization on
topics related to job-seeking and training. The next meeting will take
place on Friday, May 21st at 1 p.m. at the JCCDC. The meeting for
June will take place on Friday, June 18, and the July meeting will
take place on Friday, July 23 at 1.p.m. For further information,
please contact Linda Tafapolsky, Psy.D., Director of Jewish Family
Services at 845-471-9817 or

E-Ring is a program of Jewish Family Services, a division of the Jewish Federation of Dutchess County

Please donate unopened small sized shaving creams, deodorant (especially spray deodorant), toothbrushes  & toothpaste, shampoo, feminine hygiene products, and the like.  Items will be used to make Welcome Bags for residents of Hillcrest House, the overnight shelter run by Hudson River Housing.  Donations are needed by Mitzvah Day, May 16, 2010.  

JERUSALEM - Israel's central bank chief says he expects the country's economy to grow 3.7 percent this year, up from a previous forecast of 3.5 percent.

Stanley Fischer also said Israel has successfully weathered the global economic meltdown, and predicted unemployment would fall to 7 percent this year, down from 7.4 percent in the last quarter of 2009.

Fischer delivered the assessment as he presented his annual report on Israel's economy Wednesday.

He noted that Israel experienced slight economic growth last year, in contrast to the U.S. and most European countries. He credited Israel's strictly supervised banking system with limiting the scope of the crisis that devastated Western economies.

Last month, Fischer agreed to serve a second five-year term as central bank chief.

Blogging Jewish in Dutchess


Opportunities for Jewish Activities

Tuesday, April 27th - JFDC Board Meeting

Tuesday, April 27th -
Judaism 101 at Vassar Temple
Wednesday, April 28th - JFS/JCCDC Lunch and Learn. 11:30 am at the JCCDC

Wednesday, April 28th - JFS Senior Answer Center. Call 471-9817 or contact
jfs@jewishdutchess.orgfor more information.

Wednesday, April 28th -Adult Hebrew Classes at Shir Chadash
Wednesday, April 28th - Other Perspectives on Abraham at Shir Chadash Thursday, April 29th - Talmud Study at Beth-El Thursday, April 29th - Book of Ruth Study at Schomre Israel Saturday, May 1st - Temple Emanuel Lag B'Omer Bonfire celebration in Rhinebeck Sunday, May 2nd - LAG B'OMER

Sunday, May 2nd - Jewish War Veterans Breakfast Meeting. Call 471-0430 for more information

Sunday, May 2nd - Klezmer Concert - Lag B'Omer celebration at Schomre Israel
Sunday, May 2nd - Lag B'Omer celebration at Beth-El

Sunday, May 2nd - Film "Con you hear me?" (Israeli) at Vassar Temple

Monday, May 3rd - Hebrew Classes at Schomre Israel

Monday, May 3rd - JFS Bereavement Group

Tuesday, May 4th - Meditation Group at Vassar Temple

Wednesday, May 5th - JFS/JCCDC Lunch and Learn. 11:30 am at the JCCDC

Wednesday, May 5th - JFS Senior Answer Center. Call 471-9817 or contact jfs@jewishdutchess.orgfor more information.

Wednesday, May 5th -Adult Hebrew Classes at Shir Chadash

Wednesday, May 5th - Other Perspectives on Abraham at Shir Chadash

Thursday, May 6th - Talmud Study at Beth-El

Thursday, May 6th- Book of Ruth Study at Schomre Israel

Thursday, May 6th - Prayer and Torah Study in Rhinebeck sponsored by Temple Emanuel

Monday, May 10th- JFS Bereavement Group

Monday, May 10th- Hebrew Classes at Schomre Israel

Tuesday, May 11th - YOM YERUSHALAYIM (Jerusalem Day) begins at sundown

Wednesday, May 12th - JFS/JCCDC Lunch and Learn. 11:30 AM at the JCCDC

Wednesday, May 12th - Adult Hebrew Classes at Shir Chadash

Wednesday, May 12th - Other Perspectives on Abraham at Shir Chadash

Wednesday, May 12th - Movie "The House on August Street" at Temple Beth-El

Thursday, May 13th - Talmud Study at Beth-El

Thursday, May 13th- Book of Ruth Study at Schomre Israel

Thursday, May 13th - Prayer and Torah Study in Rhinebeck
sponsored by Temple Emanuel

Thursday, May 13th - Yiddish Group @ the JCCDC. Call 471-0430 for more information

Sunday, May 16th - MITZVAH DAY

Monday, May 17th - JFS Bereavement Group

Monday, May 17th - Adult Hebrew Classes at Schomre Israel

Tuesday, May 18th - Meditation Group at Vassar Temple

Tuesday, May 18th - Tikkun Leyl Shavuot at Schomre Israel

Tuesday, May 18th - Joint Vassar/Beth-El Tikkun/Shir Chadash Leyl Shavuot at Temple Beth-El

Wednesday, May 19th - SHAVUOT

Thursday, May 20th - Prayer and Torah Study in Rhinebeck with Rabbi Romer (Reform)

Thursday, May 20th - Yiddish Group @ the JCCDC. Call 471-0430 for more information

Thursday, May 20th - Book of Ruth Study at Schomre Israel

Sunday, May 23rd - "Jewish Health, Jewish Medicine" series at Beth-El

Monday, May 24th - JFS Bereavement Group

Monday, May 24th - Adult Hebrew Classes at Schomre Israel

Tuesday, May 25th - Jewish Federation Board Meeting

The Jewish Federation of Dutchess County is your tool to invest Jewishly in our future as a community and as a People. Our goal is to promote and enhance Jewish life in Dutchess County and foster cooperation among all Jewish organizations, as well as providing moral and financial support for the State of Israel and Jewish communities around the world.
Help us disseminate these news by asking your friends to subscribe.
Daniel Chejfec
Executive Director
Jewish Federation of Dutchess County 


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