April 12, 2010

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Number 51
April 12, 2010
Nisan 28, 5770
YomHaShoahCommunity gathering will be at DCC
Learn more
On Monday, April 12th, the Jewish community is again partnering with Dutchess Community College to commemorate Yom HaShoah. The program will start a 6:15 pm at James & Betty Hall Theater (Dutchess Hall). Following the traditional ceremony, Holocaust world renowned scholar and Holocaust survivor Gerhard L Weinberg will speak abot "Kristalnacht 1938: as experienced then and understood now". In coming weeks we will add information on other related events.

Jewish Federation New Website

  Exciting new things are happening in Northern Dutchess: the steering committee, calling itself "Jewish Alliance of Northern Dutchess" is made up of residents of Northern Dutchess who are members of the Jewish Federation of Dutchess County, Temple Emanuel in Kingston, Woodstock Jewish Congregation, Temple Beth-El, Vassar Temple and the Northern Dutchess Community Hebrew School. Join us for an Ice Cream Social at the temporary home of the Northern Dutchess Community Hebrew School at the Parish Hall of Church of the Messiah Episcopal, 6436 Montgomery Street in Rhinebeck Village. Get together with old friends and meet new ones. For more information, email the Jewish Federation at director@jewishdutchess.org


The Mitzvah Day Commitee is in full swing organizing the event for Sunday, May 16th. If you wish to volunteer in organizing the event, or if you wish to lead one of the crews on that day, contact Linda Tafapolsky by e-mailor by calling 845-471-9817

Please donate unopened small sized shaving creams, deodorant (especially spray deodorant), toothbrushes  & toothpaste, shampoo, feminine hygiene products, and the like.  Items will be used to make Welcome Bags for residents of Hillcrest House, the overnight shelter run by Hudson River Housing.  Donations are needed by Mitzvah Day, May 16, 2010.  
Gila Almagor stars in the Habimah production of Kaddish L'Naomi. Israel's premier national theater, Habimah, will be taking the stage this week in New York City, presenting its expressionistic multi-media interpretation of a play based on the poem of American icon, Allen Ginsberg.

The play, which will be performed from September 18-21, depicts Ginsberg's boyhood and the gradual decline into madness of his mother. The Habima production blends drama and the harrowing coming-of-age story of the sensitive child of an American Jewish family living in the shadow of personal and national traumas.

Ginsberg wrote the classic long poem Kaddish. three years after his mother's death in 1956. His mother's steadily worsening paranoia and deteriorating mental state dominated Ginsberg's childhood.

The play stars Israel's leading actress, Gila Almagor, who is well-known in New York due to her extensive film work: a retrospective of her movies was presented last year at the Museum of Modern Art. The production is a revival of the same play, directed by the same director, Hanan Snir, back in 1976.

"The trauma of his mother's mental illness 'in a way contributed to his development as a poet. Moreover the play also locks into its period, Thirties America, the time of the Depression, and the rise of communism and left-wing socialism," explained Snir in an interview with The Jerusalem Post.

One of the most influential companies in early-20th-century theater history, Habimah was founded as the first Hebrew theater in the world in Moscow in 1918 by Jewish actors in the rush of new hopes raised for the Jewish people in the incredibly open and productive early revolutionary period, attracting luminaries like Konstantin Stanislavsky and Yevgeny Vachtangov.

Habimah left Moscow in 1926 to tour all over Europe with The Dybbuk, and never returned. While in the United States in 1927, the company separated, and a handful of its original members went to Palestine in 1928 to establish what is now known also as the National Theater of Israel.

E-Ring Meetings

Blogging Jewish in Dutchess


Opportunities for Jewish Activities

Monday, April 12th - JFS Bereavement Group
Wednesday, April 14th -Interfaith Council Meeting
Wednesday, April 14th - JFS/JCCDC Lunch and Learn. 11:30 am at the JCCDC

Wednesday, April 14th - JFS Senior Answer Center. Call 471-9817 or contactjfs@jewishdutchess.org for more information.

Wednesday, April 14th-Adult Hebrew Classes at Shir Chadash
Thursday, April 15th -JCC Book Club
Thursday, April 15th - Talmud study at Beth-El
Monday, April 19th - JFS Bereavement Group
Tuesday, April 20th - Meditation Group at Vassar Temple

Tuesday, April 20th - Judaism 101 Series at Vassar Temple

Wednesday, April 21th - JFS/JCCDC Lunch and Learn. 11:30 am at the JCCDC

Wednesday, April 21th - JFS Senior Answer Center. Call 471-9817 or contact jfs@jewishdutchess.orgfor more information.

Wednesday, April 21th -Adult Hebrew Classes at Shir Chadash
Thursday, April 22nd - Talmud Study at Beth-El
Thursday, April 22nd - Book of Ruth Study at Schomre Israel
Saturday, April 24th - Northern Dutchess Jewish Alliance Ice Cream Social in Northern Dutchess

Sunday, April 25th - Second Community Campaign Phone-a-thon. Volunteers needed. Contact Daniel Chejfec

Monday, April 26th -JFS Bereavement group
Tuesday, April 27th - JFDC Board Meeting

Tuesday, April 27th - Judaism 101 at Vassar Temple
Wednesday, April 28th - JFS/JCCDC Lunch and Learn. 11:30 am at the JCCDC

Wednesday, April 28th - JFS Senior Answer Center. Call 471-9817 or contact jfs@jewishdutchess.orgfor more information.

Wednesday, April 28th -Adult Hebrew Classes at Shir Chadash
Wednesday, April 28th - Other Perspectives on Abraham at Shir Chadash
Thursday, April 29th - Talmud Study at Beth-El
Thursday, April 29th - Book of Ruth Study at Schomre Israel
Saturday, May 1st - Temple Emanuel Lag B'Omer Bonfire celebration in Rhinebeck
Sunday, May 2nd - LAG B'OMER

Sunday, May 2nd - Jewish War Veterans Breakfast Meeting. Call 471-0430 for more information

Sunday, May 2nd - Lag B'Omer celebration at Schomre Israel
Sunday, May 2nd - Lag B'Omer celebration at Beth-El

Sunday, May 2nd - Film "Con you hear me?" (Israeli) at Vassar Temple

Monday, May 3rd - Hebrew Classes at Schomre Israel

Monday, May 3rd - JFS Bereavement Group

Tuesday, May 4th - Meditation Group at Vassar Temple

Wednesday, May 5th - JFS/JCCDC Lunch and Learn. 11:30 am at the JCCDC

Wednesday, May 5th - JFS Senior Answer Center. Call 471-9817 or contact jfs@jewishdutchess.orgfor more information.

Wednesday, May 5th -Adult Hebrew Classes at Shir Chadash

Wednesday, May 5th - Other Perspectives on Abraham at Shir Chadash

Thursday, May 6th - Talmud Study at Beth-El

Thursday, May 6th- Book of Ruth Study at Schomre Israel

Thursday, May 6th - Prayer and Torah Study in Rhinebeck sponsored by Temple Emanuel

Monday, May 10th- JFS Bereavement Group

Monday, May 10th- Hebrew Classes at Schomre Israel

Tuesday, May 11th - YOM YERUSHALAYIM (Jerusalem Day) begins at sundown
The Jewish Federation of Dutchess County is your tool to invest Jewishly in our future as a community and as a People. Our goal is to promote and enhance Jewish life in Dutchess County and foster cooperation among all Jewish organizations, as well as providing moral and financial support for the


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