
3 2025

Dinner & Discussion with U.S. Diplomat, Stuart Eizenstat

6:30PM - 8:30PM  

Rhinebeck Reformed Church 6368 Mill Street
Rhinebeck, NY 12572

"The Art of Diplomacy"
How American Negotiators Reached Historic Agreements
that Changed the World

Join us for a virtual discussion, dinner, & a live viewing party with

Stuart E. Eizenstat
U.S. Diplomat, Negotiator, and Author

Thursday, April 3rd
Dinner begins at 6:30 PM | Discussion at 7:00 PM

at Rhinebeck Reformed Church
AND via Zoom

*If you can't join us in Rhinebeck, host your own watch party at home
and send us your photos!

Stuart has served as U.S. Ambassador to the European Union
and Secretary of both Treasury and State.

In The Art Of Diplomacy, Stuart covers every major contemporary international agreement, including the Iranian Nuclear Accord, written from the perspective that only a participant in top-level negotiations can bring.