
23 2025

JBC Author Series: Nancy Ledmerer

2:00PM - 3:30PM  

A Virtual Event

Contact Pamela Mason

Join us for a virtual book talk on Zoom!
Nancy Ludmerer
author of "Sarra Copia: A Locked-In Life"

Sunday, February 23rd | 2:00pm
Registration required to receive Zoom details

Nan­cy Ludmerer’s sto­ries, includ­ing many prizewin­ners, appear in Keny­on Review, Carve, Mas­ters Review, and oth­er venues. She prac­ticed law in NYC before turn­ing to fic­tion full-time.
The first offi­cial ghet­to was estab­lished in Venice in 1516. Jews were locked in from sun­set to sun­rise in Canareg­gio, the north­ern­most area of Venice. This is a his­tor­i­cal fic­tion based on the title char­ac­ter, who lived there from her birth in 1592 until her death 49 years lat­er.