
27 2024

Community Coffee House and Concert: A Tribute to Lilli Zimet

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Temple Beth-El 118 S. Grand Ave.
Poughkeepsie, NY 12603

Contact Karen Jacobs

$ Cost $ 36.00

Join us for an evening of coffee, tea, desserts and music as we honor Lilli Zimet's memory and perpetuate her legacy. Musician, Ellen Allard will perform a one hour interactive concert called “Open My Lips: A Musical Journey for an Intentional Jewish Life”. The concert will be a tribute to Lilli Zimet, the founding director of the Temple Beth-El school & the Temple Beth-El High Holy Day Choir. It will feature a special song, L'dor va'dor (from generation to generation) written by Ellen for the occasion. The event is open to the entire community of all ages and affiliations.