Virtual Services
Beacon Hebrew Alliance
Please CLICK HERE for all virtual programming.
Chabad Mid-Hudson Valley
Talmud Study, Wednesdays, 8:00pm, Zoom Meeting ID: 952-1766-3155, Password: 021290
Toray Study, Thursdays, 7:30pm, Zoom Meeting ID: 951-9613-6324, Password: 363395
Congregation Beth David
Saturday Mornings, 10:30am - there will be a brief service and adult education. Please email to RSVP.
Congregation Schomre Israel
For all services and meetings via computer please CLICK HERE.
If calling in via phone: Phone Number 1 (646) 558-8656 ID: 244824482
Please check website as service and meeting schedules have changed
Congregation Shir Chadash
Congregation Shir Chadash offers virtual Shabbat services every Friday night at 7:30PM, Torah study and religious school classes for families on Saturday morning. For information about how you can participate, please be in touch with the congregation or to receive Zoom information please send EMAIL or visit their WEBSITE.
Temple Beth El
Friday evenings, 8:00pm - Virtual Prayer and Healing Service (will include Mourner's Kaddish)
Please EMAIL your name for Zoom Information.
Saturday mornings, 10:00 am (please note time change) - Shabbat Morning Virtual Prayer & Healing Service
Please EMAIL your name for Zoom Information.
Vassar Temple
Friday services are via zoom at 7:30 p.m. Please contact for the link.
Torah Saturday mornings, 9 -10, will be via zoom. Please contact for zoom link.