Welcome to the Jewish Federation of Dutchess County

The power of the Jewish community to improve lives

The Jewish Federation of Dutchess County addresses the most critical needs of the Jewish community. We ensure a vibrant, caring, connected, and enduring local Jewish community.

Globally we work with international partners to foster dynamic connections with Jews around the world, strengthening Jewish peoplehood, and taking care of those at risk.

MISSION: To perpetuate, protect, and enhance Jewish communal life and well-being locally, in Israel, and worldwide while supporting our greater local community.

VISION: Culturally connect and support the diverse Jewish community of Dutchess County.

VALUES: Tzedakah (charity), Tikkun Olam (repairing the world), and Gemilut Chassadim (acts of loving kindness)

Our six areas of focus:

  • Community Building
  • Security/antisemitism
  • Interfaith Programming
  • Support services
  • Israel Programming
  • Community Partnerships

How are your donations to Israel being used?

The Jewish Federation of Dutchess County does not endorse, nor is responsible or liable for any data/advertising/programming that appears in any of our publications that is not sponsored or co-sponsored by Federation.
As everything is very fluid and constantly changing, please check the organizer's website regarding any upcoming programs for the latest status.
  • PJ Library of the Mid-Hudson Valley

    The PJ Library books and the reading experience are the heart of the PJ Library program. But we host dozens of creative, fun activities and meet-ups for families right in your own backyard.

  • The Howard Lynne Scholarship Fund

    ...because a Jewish future depends on it. The Howard Lynne Scholarship Fund was created to strengthen the Dutchess County Jewish future by providing aid to families for Jewish education.

Our Regional Reach

Snapshot of the wide area served by the Jewish Federation

  • Organizations